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Audiofinder 5 9 7 – Manage Your Audio Sample Library


Audiofinder 5 9 7 – Manage Your Audio Sample Library Lesson

Home » Mac OSX » Iced Audio AudioFinder v5.9.16 MacOSX
Iced Audio AudioFinder v5.9.16 MacOSX
TNT | 10 November 2018 | 26.74 MB

AudioFinder is the OS X standard in audio; asset management systems, & music production hub
AudioFinder can build a catalog of every sound on your system, save it, and search it instantly to find the sounds you need when you need them.
Use AudioFinder to create custom sets for sound categories and specific projects, with fast file browsing to audition, analyze, process, convert, and move or copy the samples in your library.
AudioFinder features the ability to add Metadata to your library of sounds, making it simple and easy to find the sounds you're looking for when you need it.
AudioFinder can visualize sounds instantly with the waveform overview and preview them at any pitch via MIDI or the built in keyboard, all in real-time. Sounds can even be previewed through your favorite AudioUnits.
Speaking of Plug-Ins, AudioFinder features an advanced Plug-In manager and slew of other studio necessities that will make your workflow flow. Necessities like audio editing with built-in beat detection and tools for fast trimming, fading, slicing and dicing your sounds. You can even convert your audio sample CDs into individual files with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Version 5.9.16:
•Adopted Mojave Dark Mode UI
•Mojave Fixes
•Added new Metadata and Configuration backup feature. Menu->Library->Backup
•Metadata and Configuration. This will create a .dmg on the Desktop with the most
•important AudioFinder data.
•Added iCloud Drive to DEVICE Sidebar
•Bug Fixes.
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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 339 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Audio, Iced, v5.9.16, MacOSX, AudioFinder | Rating: 0.0/0
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Audiofinder 5 9 7 – Manage Your Audio Sample Library Free

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Audiofinder 5 9 7 – Manage Your Audio Sample Library
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